3 Reasons He’s Not Into You…and It’s OK


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There are a few phrases in our current vocabulary that we say instinctively, like: “charge it, please,” and “where is the dressing room?” and “how many calories are in that?” But one phrase we avoid is that internal dialogue of “is he really into me?”

I am here, as your Gay BFF to say, “let’s talk.”

As you strut your stuff across campus while subcutaneously making your lips pout, you notice that you grabbed that special boy’s attention; he winks and you smile. Boy/Girl chemistry takes over and before you know it you are on your first date with him and things could not be better. You rush off to the bathroom, send out a few tweets about him to your followers while he is at the table updating his Facebook status. As the romantic dinner at Pete’s Taco Stand comes to an end (what? You are both on a budget!) you make the first move and go for the kill; the passionate first kiss that marks the beginning of something beautiful.
Before going to sleep you recall all of the evening’s moments; it’s like your own highlights show with a play-by-play of the chemistry between the two of you and the funny things you said to make him chuckle. You cannot wait for the next date. Except there is a hitch, he never calls you back. And when you’re finally bold enough to text him, he doesn’t respond. WTF?
Ladies, this is your first lesson in dating – sometimes it really is not you, it is them. And here are 3 reasons he’s just not that into you:

1. Timing

Timing is the #1 key ingredient in dating/relationships. I was once on a date with a guy that looked so familiar to me. And by our 3rd date it hit me. He had replied to one of my online personal ads 6 months before. When I asked him about it, he lowered his head a little and in a sheepish tone said, “Yes, that was me.” I felt a rush of embarrassment but asked, “What did I say to you?” According to him I wrote, “I don’t think we’re a good match and I wish you good vibes.” I remembered the e-mail, and now, there we were on our third date. I had to ask, “What made you reach out to me again after I had already said no?”
And his response changed how I view dating, “Because sometimes you meet the right people at the wrong time.” He smiled and then reached for my hand. It was an “aha moment” for me, so keep that in mind girls, you never know what tomorrow or 6 months from now will bring.

2. Insecurity

You are funny, I mean you give Tina Fey a run for her money, you are also smart. Who else know the entire process of how photosynthesis works by heart? And last but not least, you are hot. You know it, I know it, he knows it. And it was just too much. Seriously. We guys kind of freak out when we feel like we are out of our league. If he deems himself a 4 and you are a 9 – you do the math. So keep that in mind when the phone is not ringing and the tweets stop coming – it was his insecurity that got the best of him.

3. Frat Boy Mentality

Their main mission is to party and have fun. Guys think that because they start to feel something for someone – it means they quickly have to say the c-word – commitment. We both know that’s not the case, right? Right! Why cant dating be a fun process of getting to know one another and not a quick intro into a serious relationship. Ladies, you owe it to yourselves to date. A lot. Think of dating like food, do you want to be stuck eating cheeseburgers every day? Try Indian, Mexican, Korean. You need a little spice in your dating life. Trust me. A guy is programmed to be irresponsible until he’s 35. And even then you have a short period where you can relax because then it is time for his midlife crisis. Good grief! Ladies, the guys with the Frat Boy Mentality are fun, but make sure you’re both on the same page on this one.

The next time he doesn’t call or he doesn’t respond back, trust me: he’s just not that into you…and that is okay.

Tell me, have you ever been on a fantastic first date only to be left wondering why he didn’t call back? Leave a comment, I wanna know!

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